To fly above your station, begin from within

Joshua Reid
4 min readMay 21, 2020


“Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own unguarded thoughts.” — Buddha

Upon starting college, I fell into a dizzying spell of self-improvement. I filled 3 entire journals in that period, but the results I thought I’d get weren’t there. I was still full of self-hate, loathing, and unhappiness due to my perceived lack of self-worth. Focused only on my failures, I wasn’t experiencing the growth that I craved.

I felt lost, stuck, and unsatisfied.

After a few amazing conversations with my therapist (aka my older sister whom I love and adore), I realized that all this self-judgment was holding me back, and I had to show myself grace. So, I began a journey to love myself, and fix my mind on better things. This new journey has brought me to the present day, and to “The Secret” by Rhonda Bryne.

Ms. Bryne’s work centers on the universal Law of Attraction: the mind’s ability to magnetize the main object of its thoughts to fruition.

“Thoughts are magnetic, and thoughts have a frequency. As you think, those thoughts are set out into the universe, and they magnetically attract all like things that are on the same frequency. Everything sent out returns to the source. and that source is You.” — Rhonda Bryne

This is the most important thing to realize, and the one thing to remember if you take nothing else away from this piece! This law is impartial and will manifest the positive just as quickly as the negative.

If you’re like me, you’ve held onto thoughts of lack, of being unsuccessful or judging yourself too harshly, your mind will send those thoughts out and reproduce the very thing you dread.

To break out of this vicious cycle, one must build awareness of their thoughts and feelings. Whether this is a dedicated journaling or meditation practice, or something simple such as deep breathing or walking in the park. Checking in with yourself is a vital first step.

The second step is to adopt easy life habits that will you turn your thinking around.

1. Be impeccable with your word

Being impeccable with your word means not to perpetuate self-talk nor the negative image that lies in your mind. It also means making an agreement to respect and love yourself. Feeding destructive thoughts like, “I am not enough” is not only harmful to your mental health but also feed your negative experience. Speak love and abundance over your life. Say: I can do this, I am capable, I am enough!

Brighten your thoughts, change your vibration.

2. Improve your feelings, improve your life

Negative feelings beget negative thoughts, which in turn attract negative experiences and the cycle continues. While you can’t expect to always be aware of your thoughts, try to check in with yourself on how you’re feeling. How you’re feeling at any given moment will be a good indication of the type of thoughts you are thinking, and you can make yourself feel better at that moment.

Feelings like happiness and gratitude vibrate at a high vibration and attract good energy and experience into your life. Feelings like anger and jealousy vibrate at a low vibration and attract negative experiences into your life. My favorite way to make sure I’m feeling good is to start my day and pray about everything I love and I’m grateful for.

Do whatever feels good for you, and watch it come back tenfold.

Manifesting made easy

In order to attract the things you desire into your life, there are 3 simple steps you must follow in order to begin your journey of living your life more intentionally.

Step 1: Ask

“The first step is to ask. Make a command to the universe. Let the universe know what you want.” — Lisa Nichols

Ask the universe for what you want and be intentional! The request must be so clear that you can see it in your mind and direct your energy to its fruition. That could include writing it down, speaking it out loud every day, or praying about it.

Step 2: Believe

“See the things that you want as already yours. Know that they will come to you at need. Then let them come. Don’t fret and worry about them. Don’t think about your lack of them. Think of them as yours, as belonging to you, as already in your possession.” — Robert Collins

You must believe that what you asked for is already on the way, with complete faith. Through believing and acting in faith, the universe will shift itself to bring it to you. Don’t deviate from your faith, or fret about “how” your blessings will arrive, but move in faith while working towards your goal.

Step 3: Receive

“What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” — Mark 11:24

As you begin to believe and feel good about your blessing, you will be placing yourself in a position to receive what it is you’ve asked for, just by your faith and feeling as if what you want is already yours. Truly feel your abundance. For every thought mixed with faith and strong feeling must work to manifest itself.

Know that these keys don’t only work for the physical wishes of your life, but anything you would like to do, be, or achieve! There is no limit to the things you can get, do, or be when you put your mind to it!

“Our only limitations are those we set up in our own minds.” — Napoleon Hill

